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Business game (also called business simulation game) refers to simulation games that are used at an educational tool for teaching business. Business games may be carried out for various business training such as: general management, finance, organizational behaviour, human resources, etc.Game Features1. Number of Players : 4 players 1 User and 3 players. 2.Banker could be AI to give Messages.3. Cash at the Start of game: $ 12,000. 4. Every time a player lands on or passes 'Start', s/he will receive $ 1000 from bank (or as mentioned over board)5. If a player lands in Income/ wealth tax, pay $ 500 to bank6. If a player lands in Club house, pay $ 2007. If a player lands in Community Chest, pay $ 5008. If any player lands in Rest House will miss their next turn.9.If any player lands in Jail will miss their two turns.Only chance for you are free roll by 5 or 6 to reach the jail.